東京コンサルティングファーム タイ事務所の長澤です。
I’ve heard that the company must rotate one third directors. However, our company doesn’t intend to rotate current directors, still do we have to follow that regulation?
As you mentioned, there is a regulation that company has to let one third director retire(The Civil and Commercial Code, clause 1152). But that regulation allows the company re-elect same director although once the company let director retire(The Civil and Commercial Code, clause 1153). Therefore, the company doesn’t intend rotate director like you generally once let one third director retire formally, and re-elect same party.
You could stipulate retire/re-election to add following sentence in a minute of annual shareholder’s meeting.
Agenda no.xx To consider appointing new director to replace the director who must be retired by rotation and fixing the number of directors.
According to the Civil and Commercial Code B.E.2551, section 1153, the directors to retire during the first and second years following the registration of the company shall be drawn by lots. In every subsequent year the directors who have been longest in office shall retire.
A retiring director is eligible to re-election.
However, Mr.xxx declined and accepts the re-election to be the director of the company for another term. The Chairperson invited the shareholders attending the meeting to raise questions and express their opinions.
No comments or questions were raised by shareholders; the Chairperson thus invited the meeting to pass a resolution.
長澤 直毅