東京コンサルティングファーム タイ事務所の長澤です。
We just incorporate subsidiary in Thailand, and we’re looking for new staff here. Is inquiry of previous company for recruitment popular in Thailand? And how can we manage for duty not to compete?
It is popular that the company inquire candidate’s personal history same as Japan. But the company generally just inquire before second last company at the timing of entering company. Then we recommend to inquire last company’s history before 89 days of probation term. It is also general that company ask candidate’s criminal history and test of drug.
Regarding duty not to compete after the staff resign, there is a judicial decision that it is effective of duty not to compete as long as the company has restriction of region (only Thailand, peripheral countries like this) and term (2 years or so). Especially for management executive, we recommend that company prepare an engagement letter including a clause of duty not to compete when they resign, and employee agreement.
長澤 直毅