マレーシアでのレストラン設立(Setting up a restaurant in Malaysia)




Hello. This is Daisuke Fujii of Tokyo Consulting Firm. In this blog, I would like to general process in establishing of restaurant.





  1. マレーシアで会社を登記

1. Setting up a company in Malaysia



At first, you have to set up a company in Malaysia. However, it is not difficult to set up a company. Please refer to our blog “ How to set up a company”.


マレーシアの設立について Incorporation of a company in Malaysia



  1. WRTライセンスを取得

2. Getting WRT license




After setting up, opening bank account and registration of tax number, you can get into the stage of getting WRT license. You apply to MDTCC that has a responsibility of admitting license about restaurant sector.





  1. 申請者のパスポートのコピー及び写真
  2. M&A, Form 9,Form 24及びForm 49
  3. 賃貸契約書のコピー
  4. 建物安全管理証明のコピー
  5. 事業計画
  6. 雇用計画書
  7. レストランで使用するデザイン
  8. その他必要書類(担当官とのやりとりに応じて)


  1. A copy of applicant’s passport and photograph
  2. M&A, Form 9,Form 24 and Form 49
  3. A copy of the lease agreement
  4. A copy of the safety of building
  5. A business plan
  6. A plan of employment
  7. A sample design of restaurant
  8. Other documents (If officer asks)



These documents shall be submitted to MDTCC. I would like to tell you some concerns related to this topic. Please see and confirm it as below.





  1. 最低払込資本金が100万RM
  2. 敷地面積が5,000㎡以上
  3. マレーシアのローカル企業とは差別化が図られること
  4. マレーシア人の雇用割合
  5. ライセンスは、2年毎に更新


  1. Minimum capital shall be 1 million RM
  2. Over 5,000 square
  3. you shall define what’s point is deferent from local restaurant
  4. You shall define the percentage of Bumiputra
  5. License shall be renewed every 2 years


3. Employment Pass の取得

3. Getting Employment Pass




After getting license, you can apply for EP. You can apply for this EP via website. If government allows you to issue the license, you can get EP easily but you have to prove your salary is over 5,000 RM.





  1. 全取締役の身分証明書
  2. M&A, Form 9,Form 24及びForm 49
  3. 賃貸契約書のコピー
  4. E-SSMのコピー(SSMのHPより取得)
  5. 直近の財務諸表のコピー
  6. ライセンス証明書のコピー
  7. 会社概要のコピー
  8. その他必要書類(担当官とのやりとりに応じて)


  1. A copy of all director’s passport
  2. M&A, Form 9,Form 24 and Form 49
  3. A copy of the lease agreement
  4. A copy of E-SSM (You can get from SSM website)
  5. A copy of recent financial report
  6. A copy of business license
  7. A copy of company profile
  8. Other documents (If officer asks)




You can estimate 6 months till you can start a restaurant however, actual term is 4~5 months. Recently, many ramen shops are opened in Malaysia. Every year, t9u can find 20 new shops in Malaysia. In private, I like ramen actually. However, I am in foreign countries. It is difficult to find a good ramen shop. I think ramen is a one of Japanese culture. So, I would be happy to hear from that many ramen shops was set up in Malaysia.

You can imagine that there are crucial business competitions in Malaysia if many ramen shops are set up. If you are interested in setting up, I would advise that you think the next business plan after setting up. For example; how to spread your business, how to find new opportunity in another country to use your new restaurant in Malaysia.



Have a nice week!





東京都新宿区新宿2-5-3 AMビル7階






Company: Tokyo Consulting Firm

Address: 7th Floor, 2-5-3, Shinjyuku, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo

Department: International Department

Name: Daisuke Fujii





イスラム金融 (Islamic Finance)
