東京コンサルティングファーム タイ事務所の長澤です。
I’ve heard that recent tax audit in Thailand is strict. Our company is 3rd year after establishment in Thailand, and never had a tax audit. How’s recent tax audit? And what kind of documents tax officer generally request?
As you mentioned, recent tax audit in Thailand is strict. One of the reason of it is shortage of tax yield. Almost company have tax audit until around 5th year.
The documents which tax officer request is depends on the purpose of tax audit, but following is an example (That’s for BOI company).
Affidavit, shareholder’s list, Director’s passport copy
Copy of BOI certification, lease agreement/affidavit on land/plant, factory operating certification
・Tax Invoice, Input/Output Invoiceの明細一覧
List of Tax Invoice, Input/Output Invoice
Fixed asset list
・Sales Invoice
Sales Invoice
Declaration form of import/export
Billing of Landing
Manufacturing process chart
Stock card (finished goods/raw materials)
List of main customer/supplier
・従業員、役員 給与・報酬一覧
List of salary/compensation of employees/directors
Latest Financial Statement (PL, BS, TB), General Ledger, P.N.D. 90(annual tax filling) and receipt of tax payment
There are several company that was pointed out strictly on omission of Invoice, wrong record of address after changing address by tax officer. It is important to submit like forgoing documents (that officer request), and inform the company will submit some of the documents later in case it’s difficult to prepare it soon.
長澤 直毅