Zynga Inc.’s Third Acquisition Deal in Turkey

I am Shun Yoshida from Tokyo Consulting Firm Turkey Office.

This week I would like to share the latest information regarding “Zynga Inc.’s Third Acquisition Deal in Turkey”.


On August 5th, Zynga Inc., an American gigantic social-gaming company, announced the acquisition of Rollic Games, an Istanbul-based hyper-casual mobile game company as their third acquisition

deal in Turkey following to Gram Games (May, 2018) and Peak Games (June, 2020). According to the announcement, Zynga will purchase 80% of Rollic Games’ share at 168 million USD and also planning to get the other 20% afterwards based on the expected profitability in the next three years. This acquisition is expected to close on October 1st.


A series of Zynga’s acquisitions including the aforementioned acquisition surely proves the world is increasing its attention to Turkey-based gaming companies. Turkey has known as the country with the remarkable game-related economic development for recent years. In 2017, the export figures of domestic game developers reached 700 million USD, which was 40% increase from the previous year. It is presumable one of the reasons for this remarkable trend in the game market is caused by the youngness of average age in Turkey.


In this June, Turkish government announced ‘New Free-trade Zone Specializing in R&D’ including game development. Therefore, It is highly expected that this positive trend in the game market will be activated more than ever. Please refer to the following blog for the detailed information of abovementioned free-trade zone.


Title: New Free-trade Zone Specializing in R&D



That is all for this week.

We also offer free meeting (online/offline) regarding establishment and business development in Turkey.

If you have any question other than the above, please feel free to contact us.


Thank you very much for your time read until the end.





・Zynga Inc.

“Zynga Enters Into Agreement to Acquire Istanbul-based Rollic, One of the Fastest Growing Hyper-Casual Mobile Game Companies”


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