Labour & Employment II


Hola a todos!

This is Augusto Corallo from Mexico City.

It well known that there is a labour or employment agreements, and the termination of those agreements, be subject to any legislation other than that of a jurisdiction.

According to Mexican constitution, employment relationships, including employment agreements, placed in Mexican territory must be governed by the Mexican Federal Labour Law (FLL); therefore, employees and employers are obligated to comply with the obligation and rights considered in such legislation. Termination of those agreements is included in this regulation.

Employment is generally defined as the execution of an individual employment agreement, whereby a person undertakes to render a personal, subordinated service to another individual or entity in exchange for payment of a salary or wages. This agreement does not need to be registered in order to be enforceable. In the event that an agreement is not made in writing, the employer is held responsible for that omission; the employee shall, nevertheless, have all the rights that stem from work rules and the services rendered to the employer.


