Exchange rate in Mexico


Hola Todos!

This is Augusto Corallo from Mexico City.

These days the dollar in Mexico City reached a new record high in 2016 to settle in sales to 18.76 pesos.

The euro meanwhile advanced against 33 cents yesterday, to be offered at a maximum price of 20.68 pesos, while the yen reached its maximum contribution to 0.161 pesos. According to Banco data Base, the exchange rate reached a new record high, after oil fell to a level not seen since September 2003.

It is estimated that today the exchange rate is quoted between 18.33 and 18.50 pesos per dollar. The Bank of Mexico (Banxico) reports that were allocated $ 200 million at auction with a minimum price with a weighted exchange rate at 18.4399 pesos per dollar, and states that the total amount claimed by auction of 200 million dollars (mdd) He had a minimum price of 947 million dollars.

The exchange rate to settle liabilities denominated in foreign currency payable in Mexico is 18.1947 pesos, according to the central bank in the Official Gazette.

Fixed rates Interbank Equilibrium Interest Rate (TIIE) at 28 and 91 days at 3.5551 and 3.5886 percent, respectively, loss of 0.0047 and 0.0014 percentage points, in that order.


