Nice to meet you. This is Daisuke Fujii of Tokyo Consulting Firm and will be a director of Malaysia branch from this April. I will write some topics in this Blog related to accounting problem, tax problem, labor problem in Malaysia and so on. In this time, I am writing the incorporation topic, especially setting up a company in Malaysia. Please check it.
Q マレーシアの設立の手続きについて教えて下さい。
Please tell me the way to set up a company in Malaysia.
A マレーシアで現地法人を作るのに何か難しい手続きがあるということはありません。ライセンスを必要とする業種のビジネスをやる場合は別です。
There is no special difficulty in setting up a company in Malaysia.
(Exclude the business required some license issued by the government.)
Please check the general procedures below.
① 商号申請。
Name search
You can know whether your company name is applicable or not.
② 下記の書類をSSM(マレーシア登記局)に商号確定から3ヶ月以内に提出。
You submit the requirement documents to SSM in 3months from the approval of your company name.
- 現地会社定款及び付属定款
- 秘書役法定宣誓書(Form6)
- 取締役及び発起人の法定宣誓書(Form48A)
- 商号認可書(Form13Aのコピー)
- 英語版親会社の定款(日本で公証・認証済み)
<Requirement documents>
- MOA and AOA
- Affidavit by Secretary
- Affidavit by Directors and Promoter
- The approval of your company name (a copy of Form 13A)
- The certificate of parent company (required to be notarized in home country)
After all documents accepted in SSM, You can get the certificate of your
③ その後、一ヶ月以内に下記の書類を取締役会で採決し、提出することで無
In a month from getting the certificate, you are required to submit some
documents below. The Board of Directors should approve these
- 株式の割り当てに関する書類(Form24)
- 登記事務所の通知書類(Form44)
- 取締役、経営者及び秘書役の名簿(Form49)
- The allotment of shares (Form24)
- The b\notification of your office (Form44)
- The list of Directors, Manager and Secretary (Form49)
※ 1 マレーシア現地法人は2人以上の取締役は、マレーシアに居住しているものでなければならず、また会社の秘書役を必ず任命しなければなりません。
※ 2 行うビジネスによっては、更なる追加書類も発生する可能背はございます。
※ 3 会社の設立が完了してから、18ヶ月以内、ないしは会計年度末から6ヶ月以内の早い方で第一回株主総会を開かなくてはなりません。
※ 1 Two or more Directors should be in Malaysia. You should appoint the company secretary.
※ 2 You should submit extra documents to SSM according to what kind of businesss you will do in Malaysia.
※ 3 You should hold the shareholders meeting in 18 month from the day of completion of setting up or 6 month from the end of business year. (you can choose earlier date)
This is the outline of incorporation in Malaysia. If you have some questions about Malaysian business or ASEAN business, please feel free contact to me.
東京都新宿区新宿2-5-3 AMビル7階
Company: Tokyo Consulting Firm
Address: 7th Floor, 2-5-3, Shinjyuku, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo
Department: International Department
Name: Daisuke Fujii
See you next week.