就労ビザの免除が認められている業務はWork Pass Exempt Activitiesと定義され、大きく11種類の業務でその活動内容が詳細に定められています。
Seminars and Conferences
Carrying out activities directly related to organising or conducting a seminar, conference, workshop, gathering or talk (e.g. speaker, moderator, facilitator or trainer).
The event must not:
- Have sale or promotion of goods or services as its main purpose.
- Relate to any religious belief or to religion generally.
- Relate to race or community generally.
- Be cause-related or directed towards a political end.
The exemption does not apply to the following, for which a work pass is needed:
- Providing peripheral services for the event (e.g. cleaning and catering services).
- Setting up, maintaining, repairing and dismantling the exhibition sites or booths.
- Doing administration work, such as invigilation, marking and setting exam papers.
Specialised Services related to a New Plant/ Operations / Equipment
Providing expertise relating to:
- Commissioning or audit of any new plant and equipment.
- Installing, dismantling, transfer, repair, or maintenance of any machine or equipment.
- Transfer of knowledge on process of new operations in Singapore.
The exemption does not apply to the following, for which a work pass is needed:
- Conducting activities that involve the sale of products or services to the public.
- Manufacturing any products to be sold.
- Providing renovation or carpentry services.
その他Work Pass Exempt Activitiesに該当する業務はMinistry of Manpower(人材開発省、以下「MOM」という)のホームページにて確認ができます。
出張者であっても、Work Pass Exempt Activitiesに該当しない業務を行う際には、就労ビザの取得が義務付けられております。これに違反した際の具体的な罰則は設けられておりませんが、MOMより監視を受ける対象となり、同省は就労ビザの発行管轄省でもあるため、今後の就労ビザ取得や更新に影響を受ける可能性があります。
Tokyo Consulting Firm Co. Pte. Ltd.,
岩城 徳朗(iwaki noriaki)