establishmentin Japan

Why establish a company in Japan?

Japan's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is the third-largest in the world and there is a huge market.The market will grow in the future due to the effects of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. Also, there are internet environment and transportation infrastructure necessary for doing business.
establishment in Japan
establishment in Japan establishment in Japan
Healthcare, finance, and service businesses are expected to grow in Japan in the near future. However, providing services and products which do not exist in Japan can expand and grow your markets. The Japanese government is also actively working on supporting foreign companies to start your own businesses in Japan.

Compared to other ASEAN countries, Japan has a developed legal system, and relatively it is a good environment that makes running companies more smoothly. Japanese people also have a high level of skill and business performance.
establishment in Japan

Why customers choose TCF

1.Consulting as well as establishment procedures

We do not only support our clients to go to Japan, but we continue to support our clients' real goal of success in Japan as a consultant.

establishment in Japan establishment in Japan

2.Can provide comprehensive and professional advice

We have a wide range of support, not only accounting but also HR and labor support. We provide the best service for your needs..

establishment in Japan establishment in Japan

TCF, our company, provides consultation services on incorporation procedures, accounting and tax and labor. So, please contact us by all means.

About us

We have been providing consultation service
for many companies and individuals from ASEAN,
South American and European countries.
We can have a meeting with you in your country
where our branch and subsidiaries are located in.

establishment in Japan establishment in Japan

Flow of consultation

establishment in Japan establishment in Japan

Contact us

Tokyo Head Office
Tokyo, Shinjuku City, 2-5-3 AM BLDG. 7F
TEL: +813-5369-2930

Yokohama Branch Office
TEL: +814-5624-8151

Nagoya Branch Office
TEL: +815-2588-9850

Osaka Branch Office
TEL: +816-6486-1520